Thursday, April 10, 2008

Living Vicariously through the Adventures of Dolly Dingle

I love paper and paper crafts, but even more than that -- I love paper dolls. My favorite paper dolls of all time are Dolly Dingle! You may look at Dolly Dingle and automatically think -- Campbell Soup Kid. But Dolly Dingle was the original creation of artist Grace Drayton that appeared in the early 1900's mag, Pictorial Review. Check out Dolly and her friends!

I'm currently collecting the Goebel figurines sold in the early 1980's. Bon voyage!


FL said...

Hi -

I just saw your post and wanted to let you know that we have one or two of the Dolly Dingle figurines at Happy Memories Antiques.

La Bonne Vie - The House of Brodt said...
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La Bonne Vie - The House of Brodt said...

How cute! I've never even heard of Dolly Dingle, but those are absolutely precious!

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